Predicate: shower

Roleset id: shower.01 , fall, sprinkle, rain, vncls: 17.2


        Arg0: causer of things falling
        Arg1: things falling
        Arg2: falling on what

Example: autogen1

        traditional champagne showers

        Arg1 : champagne
        Rel : showers

Example: autogen2

        fecal showers by giant bees

        Arg1 : fecal
        Rel : showers
        Arg0 : by giant bees

Roleset id: shower.02 , personal hygine, vncls:


        Arg0: agent

Example: autogen1

        his schoolmates to take only brief showers

        Arg0 : his schoolmates
        ArgSupport : take
        Rel : showers