Predicate: show

Roleset id: show.01 , to transmit or announce, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: message
        Arg2: audience
        Arg3: source

Example: autogen1

        Europe 's TV shows

        Arg0 : Europe 's
        Arg3 : TV
        Arg1-REF : shows
        Rel : shows

Example: autogen2

        `` Given a choice , everybody will watch a home-produced show .

        Arg2 : everybody
        ArgSupport : watch
        Arg0 : home-produced
        Arg1-REF : show
        Rel : show

Roleset id: show.02 , cause to see, vncls: 29.5


        Arg0: shower
        Arg1: thing seen/shown
        Arg2: seer

Example: autogen1

        `` We 're not running that ad campaign any more , '' Mr.
        Straszheim snaps in a rare show of irritation .

        Arg0 : Mr. Straszheim
        ArgSupport : snaps in
        ArgM-TMP : rare
        Rel : show
        Arg1 : of irritation

Example: autogen2

        a show of strength

        Rel : show
        Arg1 : of strength