Predicate: shoulder

Roleset id: shoulder.01 , meronym/partitive-part, vncls:


        Arg1: whole

Example: autogen1

        Ms. Foster 's neck and shoulders

        Arg1 : Ms. Foster 's
        Rel : shoulders

Example: autogen2

        his shoulder

        Arg1 : his
        Rel : shoulder

Roleset id: shoulder.02 , reject, decline, turn down, vncls: 29.2


        Arg0: rejecter
        Arg1: thing rejected
        Arg3: attribute

Example: autogen1

        Meanwhile , investors turned a cold shoulder to the Treasury 's
        sale of $ 10 billion of new two-year notes yesterday .

        Arg0 : investors
        ArgSupport : turned
        Rel : shoulder
        Arg1 : to the Treasury 's sale of $ 10 billion of new two-year notes yesterday

Example: autogen2

        Nekoosa has given the offer a public cold shoulder , a reaction
        Mr. Hahn has n't faced in his 18 earlier acquisitions , all of
        which were negotiated behind the scenes .

        Arg0 : Nekoosa
        ArgSupport : given
        Arg1 : the offer
        ArgM-MNR : public
        Rel : shoulder