Predicate: settling

Roleset id: settling.01 , resolve, vncls:


        Arg0: entity making resolution
        Arg1: thing being resolved
        Arg2: comitative, resolved with
        Arg3: attribute, resolved to or at

Example: autogen1

        the settling of strikes in Canada and Mexico

        Rel : settling
        Arg1 : of strikes
        ArgM-LOC : in Canada and Mexico

Roleset id: settling.02 , come to rest, generally, or decline, of commodity prices, vncls:


        Arg0: entity causing something to settle
        Arg1: commodity or stock, thing settling
        Arg2: ext, amount declined by
        Arg3: start point
        Arg4: end point

Example: autogen1

        two settling ponds

        Rel : settling
        Arg1 : ponds