Predicate: sentence

Roleset id: sentence.01 , assign criminal punishment, vncls:


        Arg0: judge/jury
        Arg1: criminal
        Arg2: punishment
        Arg3: crime

Example: autogen1

        his prison sentence for income-tax evasion

        Arg1 : his
        Arg2 : prison
        Rel : sentence
        Arg3 : for income-tax evasion

Example: autogen2

        many people would receive federal death sentences , let alone be

        Arg1 : many people
        ArgSupport : receive
        Arg0 : federal
        Arg2 : death
        Rel : sentences

Roleset id: sentence.02 , work-of-art, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme

Example: autogen1

        In the same sentence he contradicts himself when he reports that
        the government still retains 40 % of the total equity of the
        airline .

        Rel : sentence
        Arg0 : he

Example: autogen2

        the first to use silences and sentence fragments and menacing
        stares , almost to the exclusion of what we previously understood
        to be theatrical dialogue

        Arg0 : the first ---> 0 ---> *T*-1
        ArgSupport : use fragments
        Rel : sentence