Predicate: sense

Roleset id: sense.01 , sense, vncls: 30.1


        Arg0: sensor
        Arg1: thing sensed
        Arg2: secondary attribute

Example: autogen1

        the Japanese sense of relief

        Arg0 : Japanese
        Rel : sense
        Arg1 : of relief

Example: autogen2

        the show has acquired a sense of place by being filmed on
        location in Georgia

        Arg2 : the show
        ArgSupport : acquired
        Rel : sense
        Arg1 : of place

Roleset id: sense.02 , nomadj-wise/attribute, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value

Example: autogen1

        they have enough common sense to know what that demands

        Arg1 : they
        ArgSupport : have
        Arg2 : enough
        Rel : sense

Example: autogen4

        good sense

        Arg2 : good
        Rel : sense

Roleset id: sense.03 , makes sense, vncls:


        Arg1: thing seeming
        Arg2: viewer

Example: autogen1

        moves that make sense to them

        Arg1 : moves ---> that ---> *T*-1
        ArgSupport : make
        Rel : sense
        Arg2 : to them

Example: autogen2

        `` For them , it makes all kinds of sense .

        Arg2 : For them
        Arg1 : it
        ArgSupport : makes kinds of
        Rel : sense

Roleset id: sense.04 , meaning, vncls: 29.5


        Arg0: agent, person doing explanation
        Arg1: thing meant, explanation

Example: autogen1

        any real sense

        ArgM-MNR : real
        Rel : sense