Predicate: sensation

Roleset id: sensation.01 , sense, vncls: 30.1


        Arg0: sensor
        Arg1: thing sensed
        Arg2: secondary attribute

Example: autogen1

        The main sensation , besides feeling like a puppet jerked with
        invisible strings , is `` like a rap on the head

        Rel : sensation
        Arg1 : like a rap on the head

Roleset id: sensation.02 , nomlike, vncls:


        Arg0: experiencer
        Arg1: theme

Example: autogen1

        The 40-year-old Mr. Murakami is a publishing sensation in Japan .

        Arg1 : publishing
        Rel : sensation
        Arg0 : in Japan

Example: autogen2

        a Paris sensation

        Arg0 : Paris
        Rel : sensation