Predicate: seat

Roleset id: seat.01 , job, vncls:


        Arg0: job holder
        Arg1: job title
        Arg2: beneficiary

Example: autogen1

        its 100 guaranteed seats in the Soviet Congress

        Arg0 : its
        Rel : seats
        Arg2 : in the Soviet Congress

Example: autogen2

        Michael E. Gellert , a director and a major shareholder , to fill
        the vacant seat of chairman

        Arg0 : Michael E. Gellert , a director and a major shareholder ,
        ArgSupport : fill
        Rel : seat
        Arg1 : of chairman

Roleset id: seat.02 , meronym, vncls:


        Arg1: whole

Example: autogen1

        $ 400 toilet seats or whatever they supposedly cost

        Arg1 : toilet
        Rel : seats

Example: autogen2

        the 49,000-plus seats of Oakland Coliseum

        Rel : seats
        Arg1 : of Oakland Coliseum

Roleset id: seat.03 , nomlike, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: goal

Example: autogen1

        their seat at the dinner table

        Arg1 : their
        Rel : seat
        Arg2 : at the dinner table