Predicate: say

Roleset id: say.01 , choose, pick, vncls: 29.2


        Arg0: picker
        Arg1: thing picked

Example: autogen1

        Often , Mr. Dinkins 's procrastination prevented him from having
        a say in the way things turned out

        Arg0 : him ---> *
        ArgSupport : having
        Rel : say
        Arg1 : in the way things turned out

Example: autogen2

        The new breed of team owner , Mr. Jones included , has been
        fighting the NFL bureaucracy for a greater say in league affairs

        Arg0 : The new breed of team owner , Mr. Jones included ,
        ArgSupport : fighting for
        ArgM-EXT : greater
        Rel : say
        Arg1 : in league affairs