Predicate: roll

Roleset id: roll.01 , move in circular fashion, vncls: 23.2


        Arg0: roller
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: attribute

Example: autogen1

        a roll of the dice

        Rel : roll
        Arg1 : of the dice

Roleset id: roll.02 , nomlike, vncls: 11.2


        Arg0: mover
        Arg1: moved
        Arg2: destination

Example: autogen1

        a roll of laughter through the stands

        Rel : roll
        Arg1 : of laughter
        Arg2 : through the stands

Example: autogen2

        maximum roll

        ArgM-EXT : maximum
        Rel : roll

Roleset id: roll.03 , group/partitive-quant/partitive-part, vncls:


        Arg1: quantified/descriptor
        Arg2: employer/leader/member/whole
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        a roll of supporting `` associations , '' `` societies '' and ``
        councils , '' some of which may hope to receive the paid ``

        Rel : roll
        Arg1 : of supporting `` associations , '' `` societies '' and `` councils , '' some of which may hope to receive the paid `` volunteers

Example: autogen2

        the tax rolls

        Arg1 : tax
        Rel : rolls

Roleset id: roll.04 , nomadj-successful/nomlike-idiomatic, vncls:


        Arg0: experiencer
        Arg1: action

Example: autogen1

        The company 's on a roll

        Arg0 : The company
        Rel : roll

Example: autogen2

        they 're on a roll right now

        Arg0 : they
        Rel : roll