Predicate: review

Roleset id: review.01 , look at again, vncls: 34


        Arg0: reviewer
        Arg1: thing reviewed
        Arg2: beneficiary
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        no mandatory appellate review of capital sentences

        Arg0 : appellate
        Rel : review
        Arg1 : of capital sentences

Example: autogen2

        a daily news review of opinions from around the world

        ArgM-TMP : daily
        Arg3 : news
        Rel : review
        Arg1 : of opinions from around the world

Roleset id: review.02 , work-of-art, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: goal/domain/publication

Example: autogen1

        the book review `` Kissing Nature Good-bye '' by Stephen
        MacDonald -LRB- Leisure & Arts , Sept. 27 -RRB-

        Arg1 : book
        Rel : review
        Arg0 : by Stephen MacDonald
        Arg2 : -LRB- Leisure & Arts , Sept. 27 -RRB-

Example: autogen2

        his review of `` Saturday Night With Connie Chung

        Arg0 : his
        Rel : review
        Arg1 : of `` Saturday Night With Connie Chung