Predicate: restitution

Roleset id: restitution.01 , give back, vncls:


        Arg0: giver, restorer
        Arg1: gift, thing restored
        Arg2: beneficiary, restored-to

Example: autogen1

        Also , he and Mr. Stein were ordered to make restitution of $
        35,000 to a customer .

        Arg0 : he and Mr. Stein ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : make
        Rel : restitution
        Arg1 : of $ 35,000
        Arg2 : to a customer

Example: autogen2

        He was sentenced to 500 hours of community service and
        restitution to the museum of $ 45,000 .

        Arg0 : He
        ArgSupport : sentenced to
        Rel : restitution
        Arg2 : to the museum
        Arg1 : of $ 45,000