Predicate: resolution

Roleset id: resolution.01 , work-of-art/nom, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: beneficiary
        Arg3: instrument

Example: autogen1

        Senator Bob Dole 's proposed commemorative resolution

        Arg0 : Senator Bob Dole 's
        Arg1 : commemorative
        Rel : resolution

Example: autogen2

        the strongly worded Armenian resolution

        Arg1 : Armenian
        Rel : resolution

Roleset id: resolution.02 , resolve, come to a solution, vncls:


        Arg0: entity making resolution
        Arg1: thing being resolved
        Arg2: comitative, resolved with
        Arg3: attribute, resolved to or at

Example: autogen1

        the resolution of the matter by the Ethics Committee

        Rel : resolution
        Arg1 : of the matter
        Arg0 : by the Ethics Committee

Example: autogen2

        the resolution of certain accounting issues relating to mortgages

        Rel : resolution
        Arg1 : of certain accounting issues relating to mortgages servicing