Predicate: reply

Roleset id: reply.01 , say in response, vncls:


        Arg0: replier
        Arg1: in response to
        Arg2: answer

Example: autogen1

        The reply of the Metzenbaums and Cohens is that we ca n't abolish
        these oversight committees because we 've seen too many abuses of
        executive power .

        Rel : reply
        Arg0 : of the Metzenbaums and Cohens
        Arg2 : that we ca n't abolish these oversight committees because we 've seen too many abuses of executive power

Example: autogen2

        The worker 's tart reply : `` It 's more than just travel .

        Arg0 : The worker 's
        ArgM-MNR : tart
        Rel : reply
        Arg2 : It 's more than just travel