Predicate: reference

Roleset id: reference.01 , call, label, vncls:


        Arg0: labeller
        Arg1: labelled
        Arg2: label

Example: autogen1

        its references to Steven Spielberg , Spago and `` thirtysomething

        Arg0 : its
        Arg2-REF : references
        Rel : references
        Arg1 : to Steven Spielberg , Spago and `` thirtysomething ''

Example: autogen2

        In reference to your Oct. 9 page-one article `` Barbara Bush
        Earns Even Higher Ratings Than the President , '' it is
        regrettable that you must continually define blacks by our
        negatives : `` Among liberals , 60 % have positive views of her ,
        while 50 % approve of the president 's job performance .

        Rel : reference
        Arg1 : to your Oct. 9 page-one article `` Barbara Bush Earns Even Higher Ratings Than the President
        Arg2 : it is regrettable that you must continually define blacks by our negatives : `` Among liberals , 60 % have positive views of her , while 50 % approve of the president 's job performance