Predicate: reduction

Roleset id: reduction.01 , make less, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: logical subject, patient, thing falling
        Arg2: ext, amount fallen
        Arg3: start point
        Arg4: end point, end state of arg1
        ArgM: medium

Example: autogen1

        $ 22 billion in the as-yet unidentified procurement reductions
        that it intends to find in future years

        Arg2 : $ 22 billion
        ArgSupport : $ in
        ArgM-TMP : as-yet
        Arg1 : procurement
        Rel : reductions
        Arg0 : it ---> *-4
        ArgSupport : find

Example: autogen2

        a 24 % reduction in its work force over the next two months

        Arg2 : 24 %
        Rel : reduction
        Arg1 : in its work force
        ArgM-TMP : over the next two months