Predicate: rebound

Roleset id: rebound.01 , recover from, bounce, vncls:


        Arg1: thing rebounding
        Arg2: ext or mnr
        Arg3: start point, rebounded from
        Arg4: end point, attribute of arg1

Example: autogen1

        a better than 50 % rebound from the 190.58 point loss the
        industrial average logged Oct. 13

        Arg2 : better than 50 %
        Rel : rebound
        Arg3 : from the 190.58 point loss the industrial average logged Oct. 13

Example: autogen2

        the farm sector 's rebound from the agricultural depression of
        the early 1980s

        Arg1 : the farm sector 's
        Rel : rebound
        Arg3 : from the agricultural depression of the early 1980s