Predicate: quest

Roleset id: quest.01 , try, vncls:


        Arg0: agent/entity trying
        Arg1: thing tried

Example: autogen1

        their quest to cover internal shortages of FT-SE 100 shares

        Arg0 : their
        Rel : quest
        Arg1-PRD : to cover internal shortages of FT-SE 100 shares

Example: autogen2

        their quest to perfect apartheid

        Arg0 : their
        Rel : quest
        Arg1-PRD : to perfect apartheid

Roleset id: quest.02 , search, seek, vncls: 35.2


        Arg0: searcher
        Arg1: searched for

Example: autogen1

        the quest for proven talent

        Rel : quest
        Arg1 : for proven talent