Predicate: pullback

Roleset id: pullback.01 , try to) cause motion, vncls:


        Arg0: puller
        Arg1: thing pulled
        Arg2: dir or attribute of arg1
        Arg3: ext, distance moved
        Arg4: goal, placed moved to

Example: autogen1

        any further pullback by takeover financiers , both in the
        junkbond market and among commercial banks

        Arg2 : pullback
        Rel : pullback
        Arg0 : by takeover financiers
        Arg4 : both in the junkbond market and among commercial banks

Example: autogen2

        Wall Street 's program-trading pullback

        Arg0 : Wall Street 's
        Arg1 : program-trading
        Arg2 : pullback
        Rel : pullback