Predicate: projection

Roleset id: projection.01 , tell the future, vncls:


        Arg0: fortune teller
        Arg1: prediction
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        corporate officials liable for false sales projections on new

        Arg0 : corporate officials
        ArgSupport : liable for
        ArgM-MNR : false
        Arg1 : sales
        Rel : projections
        Arg3 : on new products

Example: autogen2

        revised analysts ' projections that the company would report
        earnings of between 62 cents and 64 cents a share , compared with
        the 53 cents a share it reported for the 1988 third quarter

        Arg0 : analysts '
        Rel : projections
        Arg1 : that the company would report earnings of between 62 cents and 64 cents a share , compared with the 53 cents a share it reported for the 1988 third quarter