Predicate: programming

Roleset id: programming.01 , to design a program, vncls:


        Arg0: programmer, agent
        Arg1: entity programmed
        Arg2: attribute

Example: autogen1

        computer programming and software services

        Arg1 : computer
        Rel : programming

Example: autogen2

        computer programming

        Arg1 : computer
        Rel : programming

Roleset id: programming.02 , to transmit or announce, vncls:


        Arg0: transmitter, agent
        Arg1: message
        Arg2: audience
        Arg3: source
        Arg4: medium

Example: autogen1

        the Educator 's Channel , which will offer instructional
        programming for teachers and school administrators and will be
        supported by advertising

        Arg0 : the Educator 's ---> which ---> *T*-2
        ArgSupport : offer
        Arg1 : instructional
        Rel : programming
        Arg2 : for teachers and school administrators

Example: autogen2

        its public relations , TV programming and other businesses

        Arg0 : its
        Arg4 : TV
        Rel : programming