Predicate: profit

Roleset id: profit.01 , wages, vncls: 13.5.1


        Arg0: earner
        Arg1: wages
        Arg2: beneficiary
        Arg3: source

Example: autogen1

        group net profit of $ 2.5 billion on revenue of $ 125.1 billion

        Arg0 : group
        ArgM-MNR : net
        Rel : profit
        Arg1 : of $ 2.5 billion
        Arg3 : on revenue of $ 125.1 billion

Example: autogen2

        dealers who would then have marked up the paintings to resell
        them at a profit to collectors

        Arg0 : dealers ---> who ---> *T*-2 ---> *-4
        ArgSupport : resell at
        Arg3 : them
        Arg1-REF : profit
        Rel : profit
        Arg2 : to collectors