Predicate: profession

Roleset id: profession.01 , job, vncls:


        Arg0: job holder
        Arg1: job title
        Arg2: beneficiary

Example: autogen1

        his profession of theoretical mathematician

        Arg0 : his
        Rel : profession
        Arg1 : of theoretical mathematician

Example: autogen2

        our profession

        Arg0 : our
        Arg1-REF : profession
        Rel : profession

Roleset id: profession.02 , announce, vncls: 29.4


        Arg0: professor
        Arg1: utterance
        Arg2: hearer
        Arg3: attributive

Example: autogen1

        the administration 's `` professions of continued commitment to
        development and deployment of the SDI program

        Arg0 : the administration 's
        Rel : professions
        Arg1 : of continued commitment to development and deployment of the SDI program