Predicate: point

Roleset id: point.01 , discourse-connective-when, vncls:


        Arg1: consequence
        Arg2: precursor

Example: autogen1

        At one point in early trading the March price rose to as high as
        14.22 cents when the stock market recovered , but the price then
        fell back .

        Rel : point
        Arg2 : in early trading
        Arg1 : the March price rose to as high as 14.22 cents when the stock market recovered

Example: autogen2

        At one point in futures trading , as the stock market firmed ,
        the December contract rose to as high as $ 1.2965 , but it was
        n't able to sustain the gain .

        Rel : point
        Arg2 : in futures trading
        Arg1 : , as the stock market firmed , the December contract rose to as high as $ 1.2965

Roleset id: point.02 , work-of-art, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: topic

Example: autogen1

        his vantage point

        Arg0 : his
        Arg1 : vantage
        Rel : point

Example: autogen2

        his point that Americans have rights as individuals , not as
        members of certain select groups

        Arg0 : his
        Rel : point
        Arg2 : that Americans have rights as individuals , not as members of certain select groups

Roleset id: point.03 , attribute, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        the half-way point on a so-called road show to market the package
        around the world

        Arg2 : half-way
        Rel : point
        Arg1 : on a so-called road show to market the package around the world

Example: autogen2

        Another sticking point for advertisers

        Arg2 : sticking
        Arg3-REF : point
        Rel : point
        Arg1 : for advertisers

Roleset id: point.04 , partitive-quant, vncls:


        Arg1: quantified
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        a point of land

        Rel : point
        Arg1 : of land

Roleset id: point.05 , meronym/partitive-part, vncls:


        Arg1: whole

Example: autogen1

        a certain point in a vessel

        Rel : point
        Arg1 : in a vessel

Example: autogen2

        a control point in the middle

        Rel : point
        Arg1 : in the middle