Predicate: plunge

Roleset id: plunge.01 , fall precipitously, vncls: 45.6


        Arg1: logical subject, patient, thing falling
        Arg2: ext, amount fallen
        Arg3: start point
        Arg4: end point, end state of arg1
        ArgM: medium

Example: autogen1

        an 83 % plunge in third-quarter net income to $ 2 million , or
        two cents a share , from $ 11.2 million , or 12 cents a share , a
        year earlier

        Arg2 : 83 %
        Rel : plunge
        Arg1 : in third-quarter net income
        Arg4 : to $ 2 million , or two cents a share , from $ 11.2 million , or 12 cents a share , a year earlier

Example: autogen2

        a 1.8 % plunge on Monday

        Arg2 : 1.8 %
        Rel : plunge
        ArgM-TMP : on Monday

Roleset id: plunge.02 , put under water, vncls: 51.1-2


        Arg0: placer, causer of underwater-ness
        Arg1: thing being put under water
        Arg2: water

Example: autogen1

        Texas Instruments ' plunge back into a technology it has all but
        ignored for the past several years

        Arg1 : Texas Instruments '
        Rel : plunge
        Arg2 : back into a technology it has all but ignored for the past several years