Predicate: plug

Roleset id: plug.01 , advertise, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: topic

Example: autogen1

        Toyota 's upscale Lexus division , a sponsor of the World Series
        , also put in a plug for Red Cross donations in a World Series
        game it sponsored .

        Arg0 : Toyota 's upscale Lexus division , a sponsor of the World Series ,
        ArgSupport : put
        Rel : plug
        Arg1 : for Red Cross donations

Example: autogen2

        The only plug for the sponsor

        Rel : plug
        Arg1 : for the sponsor

Roleset id: plug.02 , stop from, vncls: 55.1


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme (action or object being stopped

Example: autogen1

        the company had pulled the plug on its century-old power
        generation business

        Arg0 : the company
        ArgSupport : pulled
        Rel : plug
        Arg1 : on its century-old power generation business

Example: autogen2

        American liberalism had pulled the arms plug on the Contras and
        their friend Ronald Reagan

        Arg0 : American liberalism
        ArgSupport : pulled
        Rel : plug
        Arg1 : on the Contras and their friend Ronald Reagan