Predicate: passage

Roleset id: passage.01 , bill becomes law, vncls:


        Arg0: legislative body
        Arg1: bill, state prior to passing
        Arg2: law, state after passing

Example: autogen1

        congressional and presidential passage of an increase in the
        federal debt ceiling

        Arg0 : congressional and presidential
        Rel : passage
        Arg1 : of an increase in the federal debt ceiling

Example: autogen2

        passage of two constitutional amendment bills

        Rel : passage
        Arg1 : of two constitutional amendment bills

Roleset id: passage.02 , go by, vncls:


        Arg1: thing passing
        Arg2: thing passed by

Example: autogen1

        political passage

        ArgM-MNR : political
        Rel : passage