Predicate: paper

Roleset id: paper.01 , work-of-art, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme

Example: autogen2

        Mr. Dinkins 's position papers

        Arg0 : Mr. Dinkins 's
        Arg1 : position
        Rel : papers

Example: autogen3

        a researcher who had co-authored a scientific paper with Dr.

        Arg0 : a researcher ---> who ---> *T*-3
        ArgSupport : co-authored
        Arg1 : scientific
        Rel : paper
        ArgM-MNR : with Dr. Baltimore

Roleset id: paper.02 , enter into a contract, vncls:


        Arg0: causer of contract
        Arg1: reason, purpose
        Arg2: contracted with
        Arg3: payment ammount

Example: autogen1

        $ 50 million in commercial paper backed by lease-rental

        Arg3 : $ 50 million
        Arg1 : commercial
        Rel : paper

Example: autogen2

        Provigo 's commercial paper and debentures

        Arg0 : Provigo 's
        Arg1 : commercial
        Rel : paper

Roleset id: paper.03 , court claim/complaint, vncls:


        Arg0: claimant
        Arg1: reason
        Arg2: adjudicator or listener
        Arg3: defendant

Example: autogen1

        In papers filed with the federal district court in Pittsburgh ,
        the Justice Department alleged that the ordinance , by limiting
        the number of group homes that can be established in the township
        , makes housing unavailable on account of handicap .

        ArgSupport : In alleged
        Rel : papers
        ArgSupport : filed
        Arg2 : with the federal district court in Pittsburgh
        Arg0 : the Justice Department
        Arg1 : that the ordinance , by limiting the number of group homes that can be established in the township , makes housing unavailable on account of handicap

Example: autogen2

        charging companies $ 20,000 for the honor of filing the required
        papers under the Hart-Scott-Rodino law

        Arg0 : companies ---> *
        ArgSupport : filing
        Rel : papers