Predicate: option

Roleset id: option.01 , nom/financial-instrument, vncls:


        Arg0: chooser/owner
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: price
        Arg3: type
        Arg9: time

Example: autogen1

        Put option March 31 , 1992 , at 107 3/4 to yield a fixed 3.52 % .

        Arg3 : Put
        Rel : option
        Arg9 : March 31 , 1992 ,
        Arg2 : at 107 3/4

Example: autogen2

        `` put '' options , either on the individual stocks they own or
        on a broad market index

        Arg3 : put
        Rel : options
        Arg1 : either on the individual stocks they own or on a broad market index