Predicate: note

Roleset id: note.01 , to express briefly, vncls:


        Arg0: speaker
        Arg1: topic
        Arg2: hearer

Example: autogen1

        Indeed , in a note to the results , directors said if the `` true
        worth '' of some of the group 's assets were taken into account
        instead of using book values , the negative net asset backing a
        share would turn into `` a substantial positive '' one .

        ArgSupport : said in
        Rel : note
        Arg2 : to the results
        Arg0 : directors
        Arg1 : if the `` true worth '' of some of the group 's assets were taken into account instead of using book values , the negative net asset backing a share would turn into `` a substantial positive '' one

Example: autogen2

        The framers hardly discussed the appropriations clause at the
        Constitutional Convention of 1787 , according to Madison 's notes

        Arg1 : The framers hardly discussed the appropriations clause at the Constitutional Convention of 1787
        Arg0 : Madison 's
        Rel : notes

Roleset id: note.02 , become aware of, vncls: 30.1


        Arg0: noticer
        Arg1: noticed

Example: autogen1

        traders took note of the stock market 's partial recovery

        Arg0 : traders
        ArgSupport : took
        Rel : note
        Arg1 : of the stock market 's partial recovery

Example: autogen2

        China 's People 's Daily took note of the growing problem of
        computer fraud .

        Arg0 : China 's People 's Daily
        ArgSupport : took
        Rel : note
        Arg1 : of the growing problem of computer fraud

Roleset id: note.03 , attribute, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        this plaintive , high-minded note of assurance

        Arg2 : plaintive , high-minded
        Rel : note
        Arg1 : of assurance

Example: autogen2

        a cautionary note

        Arg2 : cautionary
        Rel : note