Predicate: movement

Roleset id: movement.01 , change location, vncls: 11.2


        Arg0: mover
        Arg1: moved
        Arg2: destination

Example: autogen1

        the movement of young cattle onto feedlots in the month of
        September in seven big ranch states

        Rel : movement
        Arg1 : of young cattle
        Arg2 : onto feedlots
        ArgM-TMP : in the month of September
        ArgM-LOC : in seven big ranch states

Example: autogen2

        a series of sell lists hit the Street and capped upward price
        movement in the sector

        Arg0 : a series of sell lists
        ArgSupport : capped
        Arg1 : price
        Rel : movement
        ArgM-LOC : in the sector

Roleset id: movement.02 , take measures, vncls:


        Arg0: mover
        Arg1: measures

Example: autogen1

        diplomatic movement

        Arg1 : diplomatic
        Rel : movement

Example: autogen2

        his movements

        Arg0 : his
        Rel : movements

Roleset id: movement.03 , group, vncls:


        Arg1: quantified/descriptor
        Arg2: employer/leader/pivot
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        the liberation movement

        Arg1 : liberation
        Rel : movement

Example: autogen2

        their own movement

        Arg2 : their
        Rel : movement