Predicate: memory

Roleset id: memory.01 , work-of-art, vncls: 29.2


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: secondary attribute

Example: autogen1

        Asian nations ' harsh memories of their military domination by
        Japan in the early part of this century

        Arg0 : Asian nations '
        Rel : memories
        Arg1 : of their military domination by Japan in the early part of this century

Example: autogen2

        memories of two years ago , when many small investors held on to
        their shares after the October crash but the West German market
        continued to decline steeply for the next three months

        Rel : memories
        Arg1 : of two years ago , when many small investors held on to their shares after the October crash but the West German market continued to decline steeply for the next three months

Roleset id: memory.02 , attribute, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        four-megabit dynamic random-access memory chips

        Arg2 : four-megabit
        Rel : memory
        Arg1 : chips

Example: autogen2

        a limited memory

        Arg2 : limited
        Rel : memory

Roleset id: memory.03 , nomlike, vncls:


        Arg0: agent, honorer
        Arg1: thing remembered
        Arg2: memorial

Example: autogen1

        a candlelight vigil around the KGB 's Lubyanka headquarters in
        memory of those persecuted under Stalin

        Arg2 : a candlelight vigil around the KGB 's Lubyanka headquarters
        Rel : memory
        Arg1 : of those persecuted under Stalin