Predicate: machine

Roleset id: machine.01 , to make automatic, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme/product/action

Example: autogen1

        the washing machine

        Arg1 : washing
        Arg0 : machine
        Rel : machine

Example: autogen2

        their Quotron electronic-data machines

        Arg1 : electronic-data
        Arg0 : machines
        Rel : machines

Roleset id: machine.02 , partitive-quant, vncls:


        Arg1: quantified
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        its dilapidated economic machine

        Arg3 : its
        Arg1 : economic
        Rel : machine

Example: autogen2

        the great Japanese investment machine

        Arg3 : Japanese
        Arg1 : investment
        Rel : machine