Predicate: look

Roleset id: look.01 , vision, vncls: 30.4


        Arg0: looker
        Arg1: thing looked at or for or on
        Arg2: attribute of arg1

Example: autogen1

        the Treasury 's look at plans for giving new tax breaks on
        dividends and raising taxes on short-term trades by pension funds

        Arg0 : the Treasury 's
        Rel : look
        Arg1 : at plans for giving new tax breaks on dividends and raising taxes on short-term trades by pension funds

Example: autogen2

        a look at some of the alternatives

        Rel : look
        Arg1 : at some of the alternatives

Roleset id: look.02 , attribute, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value

Example: autogen1

        The beautiful look of wool , '' croons the show 's narrator , ``
        slightly Victorian in its influence

        Arg2 : beautiful
        Rel : look
        Arg1 : of wool

Example: autogen2

        the monochrome look

        Arg2 : monochrome
        Rel : look