Predicate: like

Roleset id: like.01 , nomadj-alike/nomlike, vncls:


        Arg1: copy
        Arg2: original

Example: autogen1

        the likes of Convex Computer Corp. and International Business
        Machines Corp.

        Arg1 : likes
        Rel : likes
        Arg2 : of Convex Computer Corp. and International Business Machines Corp.

Example: autogen2

        the likes of Mr. Lantos , who after all is really a bit player on
        the stage

        Arg1 : likes
        Rel : likes
        Arg2 : of Mr. Lantos , who after all is really a bit player on the stage

Roleset id: like.02 , nom, vncls: 31.2


        Arg0: experiencer
        Arg1: theme

Example: autogen1

        Sen. Dodd 's likes and dislikes

        Arg0 : Sen. Dodd 's
        Rel : likes