Predicate: king

Roleset id: king.01 , defrel, vncls:


        Arg0: relation holder
        Arg1: relation receptor

Example: autogen1

        its king

        Arg1 : its
        Arg0 : king
        Rel : king

Example: autogen2

        D.T. 's king

        Arg1 : D.T. 's
        Arg0 : king
        Rel : king

Roleset id: king.02 , actrel, vncls:


        Arg0: job holder
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: beneficiary

Example: autogen1

        the National League 's reigning home-run king

        Arg2 : the National League 's
        Arg1 : home-run
        Arg0 : king
        Rel : king

Example: autogen2

        the undisputed kings of highest-quality steel used for autos and

        Arg0 : kings
        Rel : kings
        Arg1 : of highest-quality steel used for autos and refrigerators