Predicate: junket

Roleset id: junket.01 , travel, vncls: 51.3.2


        Arg0: traveller
        Arg1: destination or path

Example: autogen1

        ex-President Reagan 's multimillion-dollar junket in Japan

        Arg0 : ex-President Reagan 's
        Rel : junket
        ArgM-LOC : in Japan

Example: autogen2

        With the $ 3 million received from investors , he took frequent
        junkets with friends to exotic locales and leased an expensive
        BMW for his girlfriend , whom he met at the shop where he got his
        custom-tailored suits .

        Arg0 : he
        ArgSupport : took
        ArgM-TMP : frequent
        Rel : junkets
        ArgM-MNR : with friends
        Arg1 : to exotic locales