Predicate: issue

Roleset id: issue.01 , interest-bearing-security-e.g.-a-bond, vncls:


        Arg0: issuer
        Arg2: yield

Example: autogen1

        The 7 1/8 % issue of Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority of
        New York , due 2019 ,

        Arg2 : 7 1/8 %
        Rel : issue
        Arg0 : of Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority of New York

Example: autogen2

        high-yield issues

        Arg2 : high-yield
        Rel : issues

Roleset id: issue.02 , issue, vncls:


        Arg1: topic
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        rural justice issues

        Arg3 : rural
        Arg1 : justice
        Rel : issues

Example: autogen2

        serious constitutional issues of due process and uncompensated
        takings from the defendants

        Arg3 : constitutional
        Rel : issues
        Arg1 : of due process and uncompensated takings from the defendants

Roleset id: issue.03 , emit, vncls: 13.3


        Arg0: issuer
        Arg1: thing issued
        Arg2: issued to
        Arg3: attribute, issued as or at

Example: autogen1

        its first bond issue

        Arg0 : its
        Arg1 : bond
        Rel : issue

Example: autogen2

        To fight off predators , B.A.T plans to spin off about $ 6
        billion in assets , largely by selling such U.S. retailing units
        as Marshall Field and Saks and by floating its big paper and U.K.
        retailing business via share issues to existing holders .

        Arg0 : B.A.T ---> *-1 ---> *-2
        Rel : issues
        Arg2 : to existing holders

Roleset id: issue.04 , version, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme

Example: autogen1

        its first issue of 9 Months , a magazine for expectant mothers

        Arg0 : its
        Rel : issue
        Arg1 : of 9 Months , a magazine for expectant mothers

Example: autogen2

        its latest issue

        Arg1 : its
        Rel : issue

Roleset id: issue.05 , nomadjlike-significant, vncls:


        Arg1: theme

Example: autogen1

        one sign of what an issue it remains

        Rel : issue
        Arg1 : it

Example: autogen2

        At issue is the deductibility of certain junk bonds that are used
        in most LBOs .

        Rel : issue
        Arg1 : the deductibility of certain junk bonds that are used in most LBOs

Roleset id: issue.06 , partitive-quant, vncls:


        Arg1: quantified

Example: autogen1

        approximately 140,000 issues of the Oct. 20 `` Corporate Elite ''
        issue of the McGraw-Hill Inc. publication

        Rel : issues
        Arg1 : of the Oct. 20 `` Corporate Elite '' issue of the McGraw-Hill Inc. publication

Roleset id: issue.07 , pushing-the-issue, vncls:


        Arg0: advertiser
        Arg1: thing being pitched, advertised
        Arg2: audience

Example: autogen1

        Pushing the issue on legislation needed to avoid default by the
        federal government , he told reporters , `` does n't seem to be
        very good strategy to me . ''

        Arg0 : * ---> he
        ArgSupport : Pushing
        Rel : issue
        Arg1 : on legislation needed to avoid default by the federal government

Example: autogen2

        it really could n't press the issue

        Arg0 : it
        ArgSupport : press
        Rel : issue

Roleset id: issue.08 , take-issue, vncls: 36.1


        Arg0: first arguer
        Arg1: topic
        Arg2: second arguer

Example: autogen1

        He takes issue with projections that do n't factor in students '
        own contribution , which reduces most parents ' burden
        substantially .

        Arg0 : He
        ArgSupport : takes
        Rel : issue
        Arg1 : with projections that do n't factor in students ' own contribution , which reduces most parents ' burden substantially