Predicate: introduction

Roleset id: introduction.01 , work-of-art, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme

Example: autogen1

        journalist George Urban 's introduction to a series of colloquies
        -- `` Can the Soviet System Survive Reform ? '' -- published this

        Arg0 : journalist George Urban 's
        Rel : introduction
        Arg1 : to a series of colloquies -- `` Can the Soviet System Survive Reform ? '' -- published this spring

Example: autogen2

        In 1974 , as the U.S. representative to the United Nations , he
        wrote an introduction to a book on world population in which he
        boasted of his leadership during his term in Congress in
        expanding family-planning services for the poor .

        Arg0 : he
        ArgSupport : wrote
        Rel : introduction
        Arg1 : to a book on world population

Roleset id: introduction.02 , implement, begin, bring up, vncls:


        Arg0: implementer, starter
        Arg1: thing being brought up
        Arg2: medium, where arg1 is brought up into

Example: autogen1

        the introduction of double-decking in the area

        Rel : introduction
        Arg1 : of double-decking
        Arg2 : in the area

Example: autogen2

        its introduction of new products

        Arg0 : its
        Rel : introduction
        Arg1 : of new products