Predicate: interest

Roleset id: interest.01 , provoke interest, vncls: 31.4


        Arg0: agent, causer of interest
        Arg1: interested in
        Arg2: interested entity
        Arg3: seondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        The gains also sparked buying interest in other real-estate

        Arg0 : The gains
        ArgSupport : sparked
        Arg1 : buying
        Rel : interest
        Arg3 : in other real-estate companies

Example: autogen2

        P&G 's interest in a superconcentrated detergent

        Arg2 : P&G 's
        Rel : interest
        Arg1 : in a superconcentrated detergent

Roleset id: interest.02 , give a dividend, vncls:


        Arg0: thing providing a dividend
        Arg1: dividend, earnings
        Arg2: recipient

Example: autogen1

        In the meantime , the money can continue to earn interest for the
        card holder -- often more than 1 % during that `` float '' period
        alone .

        Arg0 : the money ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : earn
        Rel : interest
        Arg1 : *ICH*-2 ---> more than 1 % during that `` float '' period alone
        Arg2 : for the card holder

Example: autogen2

        refunds without much interest

        Arg0 : refunds
        ArgM-NEG : without
        Arg1 : much
        Rel : interest

Roleset id: interest.03 , share, vncls:


        Arg0: owner
        Arg1: quantified
        Arg2: value

Example: autogen1

        Time Warner 's 50 % interest in Working Woman and Working Mother

        Arg0 : Time Warner 's
        Arg2 : 50 %
        Rel : interest
        Arg1 : in Working Woman and Working Mother

Example: autogen2

        a passive , minority interest in a program-maker

        Arg2 : minority
        Rel : interest
        Arg1 : in a program-maker

Roleset id: interest.04 , group, vncls:


        Arg1: quantified

Example: autogen1

        educational and minority interests

        Arg1 : educational and minority
        Rel : interests

Example: autogen2

        foreign interests

        Arg1 : foreign
        Rel : interests

Roleset id: interest.05 , in your interest, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: beneficiary

Example: autogen1

        it is not in the public interest

        Arg1 : it
        Arg2 : public
        Rel : interest

Example: autogen2

        the public interest

        Arg2 : public
        Rel : interest