Predicate: input

Roleset id: input.01 , to put or set into, between, or among, vncls:


        Arg0: inserter
        Arg1: entity inserted
        Arg2: location

Example: autogen1

        huge inputs of church money from South Korea and Japan

        ArgM-EXT : huge
        Rel : inputs
        Arg1 : of church money
        Arg0 : from South Korea and Japan

Example: autogen2

        the input energy

        Rel : input
        Arg1 : energy

Roleset id: input.02 , two cents/intans, vncls:


        Arg0: commentor
        Arg1: thing commented on

Example: autogen1

        their input on the film

        Arg0 : their
        Rel : input
        Arg1 : on the film

Example: autogen2

        their input

        Arg0 : their
        Rel : input