Predicate: import

Roleset id: import.01 , get a commodity in trade, vncls:


        Arg0: importer
        Arg1: commodity
        Arg2: exporter

Example: autogen1

        `` They 'll be more timorous in tackling their own voters , like
        opening up more to agricultural imports from America , hurting
        their farmers . ''

        Arg0 : They ---> *-1 ---> *
        ArgSupport : opening to
        Arg1 : agricultural
        Rel : imports
        Arg2 : from America

Example: autogen2

        net U.S. crude imports

        Arg0 : U.S.
        Arg1 : crude
        Rel : imports

Roleset id: import.02 , nomadj-important, vncls:


        Arg1: theme

Example: autogen1

        the import of the meeting

        Rel : import
        Arg1 : of the meeting