Predicate: impact

Roleset id: impact.01 , have an effect on, vncls:


        Arg0: thing affecting
        Arg1: thing affected

Example: autogen1

        its impact on air transportation and the more mundane , but
        politically important , projects of members

        Arg0 : its
        Rel : impact
        Arg1 : on air transportation and the more mundane , but politically important , projects of members

Example: autogen2

        the impact will be on the division 's work , which includes the
        Navy 's Trident submarine-based missile program and the Air Force
        's Strategic Defense Initiative

        Rel : impact
        Arg1 : on the division 's work , which includes the Navy 's Trident submarine-based missile program and the Air Force 's Strategic Defense Initiative

Roleset id: impact.02 , hit, strike, vncls:


        Arg1: thing hit
        Arg2: instrument, thing hit by or with

Example: autogen1

        As a result of the adhesive problem on the Ford Escort
        subcompacts , windshields may easily separate from the car during
        frontal impact

        ArgSupport : separate during
        Arg1 : from the car
        ArgM-LOC : frontal
        Rel : impact

Example: autogen2

        the extraterrestrial impact

        ArgM-LOC : extraterrestrial
        Rel : impact