Predicate: howl

Roleset id: howl.01 , partitive-quant, vncls:


        Arg1: quantified
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        a howl of protests from members of the opposition Labor Party ,
        who accused the Thatcher administration of backing down on
        promised protection for a privatized company

        Rel : howl
        Arg1 : of protests from members of the opposition Labor Party , who accused the Thatcher administration of backing down on promised protection for a privatized company

Roleset id: howl.02 , emit howl, speak howlingly, vncls: 43.2


        Arg0: howler
        Arg1: utterance, cognate object
        Arg2: listener

Example: invented example

        The wolf's howl

        Arg0 : The wolf's
        Rel : howl