Predicate: heart

Roleset id: heart.01 , hallmark, vncls:


        Arg0: relation holder
        Arg1: relation receptor

Example: autogen1

        the heart of IBM-compatible personal computers

        Arg0 : heart
        Rel : heart
        Arg1 : of IBM-compatible personal computers

Example: autogen2

        the heart of a grandiose plan Mr. Paul had in which the art was
        to do double duty -- as an investment for CenTrust and as
        decoration for the S&L 's new office tower , designed by I.M. Pei

        Arg0 : heart
        Rel : heart
        Arg1 : of a grandiose plan Mr. Paul had in which the art was to do double duty -- as an investment for CenTrust and as decoration for the S&L 's new office tower , designed by I.M. Pei

Roleset id: heart.02 , meronym, vncls:


        Arg1: whole

Example: autogen3

        its heart

        Arg1 : its
        Rel : heart

Example: autogen4

        their hearts

        Arg1 : their
        Rel : hearts

Roleset id: heart.03 , take to heart, vncls:


        Arg0: experiencer
        Arg1: theme

Example: autogen1

        Judging by a poll of Wall Street Journal readers conducted this
        summer by Erdos & Morgan Inc. , serious investors have taken that
        advice to heart .

        Arg0 : serious investors
        ArgSupport : taken to
        Arg1 : that advice
        Rel : heart

Example: autogen2

        advice the writers should take to heart

        Arg1 : advice ---> 0 ---> *T*-1
        Arg0 : the writers
        ArgSupport : take to
        Rel : heart

Roleset id: heart.04 , idiom-take-heart/nomlike, vncls: 31.1


        Arg0: comforter
        Arg1: patient, comforted

Example: autogen1

        Take heart , sports fans

        Arg1 : * ---> sports fans
        ArgSupport : Take
        Rel : heart

Example: autogen2

        Some of the bill 's supporters had taken heart from the fact that
        the letter was n't signed by Mr. Skinner and that it did n't
        contain a veto threat .

        Arg1 : Some of the bill 's supporters
        ArgSupport : taken
        Rel : heart
        Arg0 : from the fact that the letter was n't signed by Mr. Skinner and that it did n't contain a veto threat

Roleset id: heart.05 , change of heart, vncls:


        Arg1: patient

Example: autogen1

        its change of heart

        Arg1 : its
        ArgSupport : change of
        Rel : heart