Predicate: harangue

Roleset id: harangue.01 , bitch and moan, vncls: 37.8


        Arg0: complainer
        Arg1: topic
        Arg2: hearer

Example: autogen1

        they have had to endure anti-union harangues by senior pilots
        while flying across the country

        Arg2 : they ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : endure
        Arg1 : anti-union
        Rel : harangues
        Arg0 : by senior pilots

Example: autogen2

        In each show , Mancuso gets to unleash similar harangues :

        Arg0 : Mancuso ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : unleash
        ArgM-MNR : similar
        Rel : harangues