Predicate: hand

Roleset id: hand.01 , participate/control/possess/lose-control/possession/credit, vncls:


        Arg0: agent, entity participating
        Arg1: theme/activity/controlled

Example: autogen1

        the enterprises still in state hands

        Arg1 : the enterprises
        Arg0 : state
        Rel : hands

Example: autogen2

        credit cards in hand

        Arg1 : credit cards
        Rel : hand

Roleset id: hand.02 , meronym/partitive-part, vncls:


        Arg1: whole

Example: autogen3

        the soothing hands of Sabina Vidunas

        Rel : hands
        Arg1 : of Sabina Vidunas

Example: autogen4

        his right hand

        Arg1 : his
        Rel : hand

Roleset id: hand.03 , discourse-connective, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: contrast/background

Example: autogen1

        Much has been accomplished and public opinion decisively supports
        the government and the army -- but , on the other hand , none of
        the key drug barons have been captured .

        Arg2 : Much has been accomplished and public opinion decisively supports the government and the army
        Rel : hand
        Arg1 : none of the key drug barons have been captured

Example: autogen2

        On the other hand , it 's not necessarily a good time to jump in
        and buy .

        Rel : hand
        Arg1 : it 's not necessarily a good time to jump in and buy

Roleset id: hand.04 , upper-hand, vncls:


        Arg0: exploiter
        Arg1: theme/opportunity/victim
        Arg2: against/rival

Example: autogen1

        Japanese companies will buy American know-how and use it to
        obtain the upper hand in biotechnology trade and competition

        Arg0 : Japanese companies ---> *-2
        ArgSupport : obtain
        Rel : hand
        Arg1 : in biotechnology trade and competition

Example: autogen2

        But the chairman 's supporters have the upper hand as federal
        regulators press a $ 1.1 billion fraud suit against Mr. Keating
        and others .

        Arg0 : the chairman 's supporters
        ArgSupport : have
        Rel : hand

Roleset id: hand.05 , hand-in-hand, vncls: 51.7


        Arg0: subject accompanier
        Arg1: object accompanied

Example: autogen1

        the coming infantile congressional political rhetoric that seems
        to go hand in hand with the process

        Arg0 : the coming infantile congressional political rhetoric ---> that ---> *T*-1 ---> *-2
        ArgSupport : go
        Rel : hand
        Arg1 : with the process

Roleset id: hand.06 , attribute/hand-in-cards, vncls:


        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        the hands of the advertising agencies

        Arg2-REF : hands
        Rel : hands
        Arg1 : of the advertising agencies

Example: autogen2

        the hands of these two labor groups

        Arg2-REF : hands
        Rel : hands
        Arg1 : of these two labor groups

Roleset id: hand.07 , nomadjlike-available/happening/on-hand/at-hand, vncls:


        Arg1: theme

Example: autogen1

        a veteran anti-apartheid activist on hand to welcome Mr. Sisulu

        Arg1 : a veteran anti-apartheid activist
        Rel : hand

Example: autogen2

        half his cash on hand

        Arg1 : half his cash
        Rel : hand

Roleset id: hand.08 , clap/give-hand, vncls: 33


        Arg0: clapper
        Arg1: thing approved of
        Arg2: grounds, reason for approval

Example: autogen2

        Last week 's discerning audience gave a bigger hand to a
        greenhouse than to the tenor Neil Shicoff , who sang an aria
        inside it .

        Arg0 : Last week 's discerning audience
        ArgSupport : gave
        ArgM-MNR : bigger
        Rel : hand
        Arg1 : to the tenor Neil Shicoff , who sang an aria inside it

Roleset id: hand.09 , befriend/help, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: patient/new-friend

Example: autogen1

        CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS find a helping hand from some catalog
        companies .

        ArgSupport : find
        Rel : hand
        Arg0 : from some catalog companies

Example: autogen2

        the ANC , given the chance to hold a rally , would extend a hand
        , albeit warily , to the government

        Arg0 : the ANC , given the chance to hold a rally ,
        ArgSupport : extend
        Rel : hand
        Arg1 : to the government

Roleset id: hand.10 , attempt, vncls:


        Arg0: agent/entity trying
        Arg1: thing tried

Example: autogen1

        Backer Spielvogel Bates , Ogilvy & Mather , and possibly others
        to try their hand at developing new creative work

        ArgSupport : try
        Arg0 : their
        Rel : hand
        Arg1 : at developing new creative work

Example: autogen2

        to try its hand at creative work for the big account , which has
        been at Wells Rich Greene Inc. since 1966

        Arg0 : its
        Rel : hand
        Arg1 : at creative work for the big account , which has been at Wells Rich Greene Inc. since 1966

Roleset id: hand.11 , shake hands, vncls: 33


        Arg0: greeter
        Arg1: thing greeted

Example: autogen1

        WALL STREET , SHAKE hands with George Orwell .

        Arg0 : WALL STREET ---> *
        ArgSupport : SHAKE
        Rel : hands
        Arg1 : with George Orwell

Roleset id: hand.12 , ability-with-agent, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: action

Example: autogen1

        And with the quiet pragmatism of Mr. Guzman Cabrera replacing the
        prickly populism of La Quina , government technocrats have been
        given a free hand to open the petrochemical sector to wider
        private and foreign investment .

        Arg0 : government technocrats ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : given
        Rel : hand
        Arg1 : to open the petrochemical sector to wider private and foreign investment