Predicate: gut

Roleset id: gut.01 , ability-with-agent, vncls:


        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: action

Example: autogen1

        `` Nobody had the guts to complain . ''

        Arg0 : Nobody
        ArgSupport : had
        Rel : guts
        Arg1 : to complain

Example: autogen2

        his guts

        Arg0 : his
        Rel : guts

Roleset id: gut.02 , have a suspicion about something, vncls: 29.5


        Arg0: suspecter
        Arg1: suspicion
        Arg2: about something

Example: autogen1

        My gut feel is that we 'll live with those swings for a while

        Arg0 : My
        Rel : gut
        ArgSupport : feel
        Arg1 : that we 'll live with those swings for a while

Example: autogen2

        My gut feeling is that the Marina properties will be affected

        Arg0 : My
        Rel : gut
        ArgSupport : feeling
        Arg1 : that the Marina properties will be affected