Predicate: grip

Roleset id: grip.01 , hold tight, vncls: 15.1


        Arg0: holder
        Arg1: thing held
        Arg2: beneficiary
        Arg3: secondary attribute of thing held

Example: autogen2

        its grip on its one large business outside chemicals , propane

        Arg0 : its
        Rel : grip
        Arg1 : on its one large business outside chemicals , propane marketing

Example: autogen4

        their credit grip

        Arg0 : their
        Arg1 : credit
        Rel : grip

Roleset id: grip.02 , come to grips with, vncls: 29.2


        Arg0: acceptor
        Arg1: thing accepted
        Arg2: accepted-from
        Arg3: attribute

Example: autogen1

        them both come to grips with the move

        Arg0 : them
        ArgSupport : come to
        Rel : grips
        Arg1 : with the move

Example: autogen2

        to come to grips with them

        Arg0 : NIL
        ArgSupport : come to
        Rel : grips
        Arg1 : with them