Predicate: foundation

Roleset id: foundation.01 , establish, vncls:


        Arg0: agent, setter
        Arg1: thing set
        Arg2: attribute

Example: autogen1

        In 1976 , as an upstart in the eyes of Switzerland 's
        establishment , Mr. Rey laid the foundations of his present-day
        prominence with an unheard-of raid on Bally , the country 's
        traditional shoemaker .

        Arg0 : Mr. Rey
        ArgSupport : laid
        Rel : foundations
        Arg1 : of his present-day prominence

Example: autogen4

        their foundations

        Arg1 : their
        Rel : foundations

Roleset id: foundation.02 , group, vncls:


        Arg1: quantified/descriptor
        Arg2: employer/leader/pivot
        Arg3: secondary-theme

Example: autogen1

        A family foundation set up by late founder Henry Dunker

        Arg1 : family
        Rel : foundation
        ArgSupport : set
        Arg2 : by late founder Henry Dunker

Example: autogen2

        a university foundation

        Arg2 : university
        Rel : foundation